1099 Rental Reporting: What does this have to do with Health Care?

Rental Property Owners have been handed another huge burden for reporting income and expenses in 2011 & 2012.  

The  Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 and Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, PL 111-148, signed into law in 2010, both beef up 1099 reporting requirements and pentalties for rental property owners.

Between the two acts, Rental Property owners will be responsible for sending 1099’s to perhaps hundreds of service and retail vendors over the next two years.  Corporations are not exempt.

IRS Forms 1099 must be issued by every person in business paying $600 or more during the year for services.  If you pay a plumber to unplug the sink in your restaurant 6 times during the year at $100 a visit, you’ve got to issue a form to your plumber and the IRS.  If your plumber is incorporated, you don’t have to issue the form.  Well, until now. http://blogs.forbes.com/robertwood/2010/11/23/got-irs-forms-1099-more-soon/

Chris Neefus of CNSNews.com explains it this way:

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s health care law, requires that small businesses file a Form 1099-MISC with the IRS for any goods they purchase from an outside vendor valued at over $600.

But the new bill, the Small Business Jobs and Credit Act (H.R. 5297), extends the mandate to private individuals who own property from which they receive rental income. Those people would also now have to fill out paperwork reporting any expenditure they make on that property valued over $600 for the year.

“There’s 10 million people who don’t know that they’re now suddenly going to be required to do this,” Ellis said. “They don’t have to issue them until January 2012 because it’s a 2011 requirement, but they’ve got to start tracking in January (2011). So I hope their internal accounting is good.”

Writing for ATR, Ellis said, “So imagine that you’re renting out your starter condo. You pay a property manager, a plumber, a repairman, a locksmith, a condo association, etc. Imagine having to get a taxpayer identification number, order 1099-MISCs from the IRS, fill them out by hand, keep a copy for yourself, send a copy to each payee (from whom you had to get a tax ID number and other information), and then finally take your legitimate rental deduction. Then the IRS finds some hiccup somewhere, and you get audited — all to placate an insane Congress.”http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/75911

Quick figuring…At .44 postage per sheet, a ream of paper (which might be required for all those 1099’s) could cost you big.   Do the math:

                          500 Sheets per ream X .44 = $220

How many 1099’s will you be sending?

Not that you could actually PRINT your own 1099’s anyway.  You’ll have to order those from the IRS.  See page 1 of the IRS 1099msc form, which has been generously made available for downloading.  Caveat? You can’t USE the downloadable pdf! It’s not scan-able.  Sorry.  Enticing though it may be, if you send the downloadable PDF, you may be fined $50!)

And…what in the world does this have to do with HEALTH CARE???

This is our government’s version of assisting Small Business??

~ by The Oetken Group on December 8, 2010.

One Response to “1099 Rental Reporting: What does this have to do with Health Care?”

  1. woot, thank you! I’ve finally came across a website where the owner knows what they’re talking about. You know how many results are in Google when I check.. too many! It’s so annoying having to go from page after page after page, wasting my day away with tons of owners just copying eachother’s articles… ugh. Anyway, thankyou for the information anyway, much appreciated.

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